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Did you know that you can access eBooks at Stony Brook University Libraries whenever you’d like, even when you’re off campus?  Simply log in with your NetID and password to read eBooks chosen to support the wide variety of academic disciplines represented at Stony Brook University.

Advantages of eBooks include easy access, increased portability (read: lighter backpacks!), and the ability to search a book for important words or phrases.

To find eBooks at SBU Libraries, visit our eBook Subject and Research Guide to find out more about our eBook collections and to get help using eBooks.  This is the easiest way to search for eBooks at SBU Libraries.  You can also search using the grey box on the homepage, then limit your results by format to eBooks or electronic resources.  Additionally, you can perform an advanced search in the STARS catalog, allowing you to sort by eBooks under “Format.”

Image: By Tom Woodward from Richmond, VA, US (IMG_9792  Uploaded by guillom) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Kate Kasten-Mutkus
Posted in eBooks, Research, Technology