Banned Books Week

SBU Libraries celebrates Banned Books Week with a special display located just inside the entrance of the Central Reading Room. Banned Books Week is an annual event meant to highlight the importance of access to books and the freedom to read without restrictions.

A number of books stand on a black table cloth with small red tea lights in front.
The Hate U Give and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, two of the books in the Banned Books Week display.

The display features books from the library collection that have been challenged in the past for a variety of reasons, ranging from the ideas expressed and language used to their depictions of marginalized people.

Marta Weigand and Deborrah Tomengo stand on either side of their Banned Books Week display, A number of books sit out on a table that is wreathed in black cloth, tinged with paper fire, and wrapped in yellow caution tape. Red banners reading "banned books week" hang from the ceiling above.
Marta Weigand (l) and Deobrah Tomengo in front of their Banned Books Week display.

You’ll find such titles as The Complete Maus, The Bluest Eye, Fahrenheit 451, The Naked and the Dead, The Hate U Give, and many more – each emblazoned with the grounds given for its attempted banning.

Catch yourself reading a banned book and post to Instagram! Make sure you tag us @sbulibraries.

You can also help spread the word about the freedom to read and get caught reading a Banned Book. Take a mugshot in front of the photo-op wall next to the display and post it to Instagram – remembering to tag us @sbulibraries. Also check out our social media pages as we highlight the stories of our “banned books” throughout the week.

The display was created by AUS staff Marta Weigand and Deborah Tomengo.

For more on Banned Books Week, see:

Marta Weigand
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Posted in About Us, Academic Subjects, Central Reading Room