Tech Spotlight: iTunes U

iTunes U is a great source of free educational materials.  You can access it through iTunes on your laptop or through the iTunes U app on your phone or tablet.  Hundreds of universities and cultural institutions offer free access to lectures and course materials, among them many well-known names such as Oxford, Harvard, The University of Arizona, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Smithsonian Libraries.  Want to learn basic Spanish?  Take a quick course on phone app programming?  Study French painting in the 1800’s?  This is the place to do it.  Lectures are offered in many languages, including Korean, Chinese, German, and French.  Browse courses by organization, popularity, educational level, or category.   While most of the programming is lectures and videos only, there are some that offer PDFs and other written information.  The majority of the information is free, although iTunes is now mixing in paid content.  ALl in all, this is a good way to supplement the classes you’re already taking or a way to explore a personal interest for free in a portable, convenient technological package.


iTunes U home screen featuring downloaded course materials.

iTunes U course browsing page.

Carolyn Brooks
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