DATABASE TRIAL: The North China Herald (1850-1940)

TRIAL THROUGH JUNE 15, 2013. The English North China Herald is a crucial resource for the history of the foreign presence in China from 1850 through 1940. As the official journal for British consular notifications, and announcements of the Shanghai Municipal Council, it is the first – and sometimes only – point of reference for information and comment on a range of foreign and Chinese activities. Published in Shanghai, the paper featured translations of Chinese official notifications, as well as news about the social, cultural and political life of the foreign settlements, trade statistics, stock prices, Chinese and international news, law and company reports, maps, cartoons, photographs, advertisements, tables of tea, silk and cotton exports, facts about missionaries, birth, marriage, and death announcements, and facts about other foreign nationals, such as the French, Danish, Italian, German and Dutch.

Kristen Nyitray
Posted in Asian and Asian American Studies, Business, Chinese Studies, Cultural Analysis & Theory, Database Trials, Digital Collections, Government Information, History, Japanese Studies, Journalism, Korean Studies, Maps, Political Science, Social Sciences, Sociology, South Asian Studies