Archives, New Media, and Activism: Advancing and Diversifying Feminist Digital Humanities Instruction and Scholarship

Date: 10/23/2017

Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Poetry Center, Humanities Building


Marika Cifor, Bowdoin College


Monday, October 23 at 5:00 PM in the Poetry Center, Humanities Building


In her talk Marika Cifor will discuss her book and digital project, Viral Cultures: Nostalgia, Affect and HIV/AIDS Archives, an archival ethnography that examines the critical potential of the emotions and memories recorded and produced by archives documenting 1980s and 1990s HIV/AIDS activism in the United States. Cifor will also consider the use and reuse of activist archives through feminist digital humanities scholarship, and in the work of contemporary activists and artists. These projects contribute to the critical development of a feminist approach to the digital humanities that students, faculty, and communities require to ethically and critically advance knowledge across and beyond digital platforms.


Marika Cifor is Consortium for Faculty Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow in Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at Bowdoin College. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on developing complex understandings of how LGBTQ individuals and communities and persons living with HIV and AIDS come to define themselves, their social groups and movements, and their past, present and future through archives, new media, and data produced within digital cultures.


This talk is co-sponsored by Writing and Rhetoric; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; University Libraries; and English. Funded by a Faculty Center/Teaching, Learning & Technology TALENT grant.

Darren Chase
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Posted in Campus Events, Digital Humanities Events, Workshops